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Easy Diy Shed Building Plans

Stacking Firewood

stacking firewoodFirewood Needs To Be Stacked Properly

Here are some steps to follow for properly stacking firewood.

Allow for Good Air Circulation

Air movement over your firewood is the most important factor to consider in firewood stacking. Don't cover the sides of your firewood and orient the long side of your wood to face the prevailing wind.

Pile your wood where you would hang your clothes out to dry!

Protect Your Wood from Rain and Snow

About the only time you should totally cover your firewood is when it is seasoned and dry and ready to burn. Otherwise, only the top of the wood should be protected from rain and snow. If you have to cover your wood with a tarp, do it so that the tarp or cover isn't laying on the wood. Try to leave the sides of the wood open for air circulation.

Keep Your Firewood Up Off the Ground

Don't be in a hurry and just try to stack your firewood directly touching the ground. Storing your firewood in this manner will just keep the wood on the bottom of your stack wet and it won't season and dry properly.

Try to have an open slated floor that keeps your wood elevated and allows for good air circulation.

One other good tip to remember and very important - Never ever stack firewood next to your house. The chances of termite infestation are greater when doing this. I always store firewood well enough away from the house so that any chance of termites are slim to none.

Leave stacking firewood to return to firewood shed plans. 

Build a shed for your firewood

Check out these firewood shed plans for stacking firewood in.

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