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Easy Diy Shed Building Plans

Here's How to Use a Speed Square

building a shedSpeed square showing a 20 degree angle

A speed square is really an invaluable tool when it comes to easily measuring angles for building your shed. As you can see from the picture above, the angle I need to have on the end of my 2x4 is 70°, so I set the angle on the outside of the speed square at 20°. 

If I wanted the end of my board to have a 67.5°, the angle measurement to use on the speed square would be 22.5°

It is just a simple matter of placing the outer corner of your speed square against the wood you need to measure, then moving it until you get your desired angle on the inner edge of the board you are measuring.

The top edge of your speed square is the line you mark and cut.

Take the following example truss from a gambrel shed plan I have.

building a shedGambrel truss needing 20 degree cuts for top truss members

As you can see, the plans for this gambrel shed truss call for 20 degree cuts to be made on the top truss members. Knowing how to make these measurements truly is an easy accomplishment using a swanson speed square.

Here's a list of the benefits of using a speed square for building your shed:

Accuracy: A speed square ensures precise measurements, which are crucial for a structurally sound backyard shed.
Versatility: Speed squares can function as a tri square, mitre square, protractor, line scriber, and saw guide making it an all-in-one tool.
Simplicity: Using a speed square simplifies complex geometry, making your building process smoother.
Durability: Speed squares are generally robust and built to last, ensuring a worthy investment for your tool kit. Don't get a plastic one!  Buy a metal one.  You'll thank me for suggesting this because the plastic ones just don't hold up.  And once you learn how to use one, you'll use it alot in your wood working!
Light and Compact: These utility tools are usually lightweight and easy to handle, making them highly portable for outdoor projects.
Ease of Use: With a little bit of learning, speed squares are user-friendly, ideal for both novices and professionals.
Speed: As the name suggests, speed squares save time by quickly gauging angles and making fast, accurate measurements.
Efficient Saw Guide: Speed squares can guide your saw for quick, straight cuts.
Cost-Effective: With its multiple uses, a speed square offers excellent value for money, reducing the need for buying multiple tools.

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