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Seasoned firewood burns easier, is more efficient, and produces less creosote in your stovepipe or chimney.
The process of seasoning firewood does require some time, usually about 1 year, and good storage is essential.
Seasoned firewood simply means that the moisture content of the wood has been reduced from about 50% to around 15 - 20%. So, seasoning firewood is nothing else than simply just allowing firewood to dry over a period of time.
The time needed is very variable, and is dramatically affected by weather and storage.
Here are some steps to follow for proper firewood storage:
1.) Allow for circulation of air.
Don't cover the sides of your wood pile, and orient the long side of your wood pile to be facing the prevailing winds.
2.) Protect your wood from the elements.
Try not to let rain and snow get on your wood pile. Firewood sheds should be constructed in such a way that the roof extends well beyond the wood. You may well be thinking that covering the sides of your wood will stop wind driven precipitation, but in the long run it is best to not impede air circulation to the sides of your firewood. The benefit of moving air more than compensates for this.
Once your wood is dry, you can cover it up completely.
3.) Keep wood up off the ground.
Drying firewood will be that much more difficult if you allow your wood to be in direct contact with the ground. It will stay wet, and over a period of time will rot if not allowed to dry out. You paid as much for the bottom wood as you did the top, so why ruin it? Pallets can be used to stack your firewood on, or building an open-slated floor will keep your woodpile elevated and allows for good air circulation.
Leave how to season firewood for firewood shed plans.
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