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Easy Diy Shed Building Plans

Rodney and Carey's Shed To Tiny House

Check out this neat video of their tiny shed house:

The following is a nice email I received from Rodney after the completion of he and his wife Carey's guest house shed:

Hello John,

Rodney here wanting to share a little bit of my story regarding our fantastic plans which has enabled my wife, Carey, and I to complete a beautiful guest house on our small farm down in South Texas, we are outside the small town of Devine south of San Antonio.
We started the project, the 12x16 Shed with porch in December of 2020 and finished it in April of 2021, just in time for my brother n law and his family's visit from Alaska, they were the first to try out the new cabin and test it for sure!

I had an 18 year old concrete slab 20x30 I poured myself with family help which was used for my daughter in her high school years for basketball practice. The slab was about 40 yards from the main house and was a perfect spot to build the shed and utilize a perfectly good foundation. So as you can calculate this was during the pandemic and stay home orders but living in the country sure had its benefits during this time! I worked in the healthcare industry which allowed me to still work from home and use the time for the project.

My wife & I put a lot of time and effort into the build which gave us great pride in our achievement, this was for sure much easier with your plans and manuals you provide with the offer. We competed this shed with a small kitchenette, bathroom with full shower, a staircase that leads up to a king bed in the loft. Many items I custom made for sizing options that were not available as a commercial purchase such as the kitchen counter and the small bathroom vanity, along with the bathroom barn door as well.

This is a fully functional shed/house with on-demand water heater, air conditioner (a must in south Texas), complete bathroom facilities including an exhaust fan for those nature needs in a small area! LOL! I was fortunate to have an older meter loop from a past existing home as well as a septic system which I was able to use for the project, otherwise I couldn't have made it happen in the time we completed it.

All in all the wife and I enjoyed the time to work together and I could not have accomplished such a task without her bountiful help, also her father provided many days of pure grunt work with all the lifting and holding frames in place.

I hope you are able to play the slideshow attached but if not I am happy to send you some individual pictures, please feel free to share our project with your followers and post where you like.

Thanks again for your wonderful plans and guides!

Rodney and Carey

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