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Easy Diy Shed Building Plans

Craig's Awesome 12x16 Barn Shed

12x16 barn shed

Craig and his son built this nice looking 12x16 barn shed using my 12x16 barn shed plans.

This will be a memory they can share for a long time to come!

pouring the 12x16 concrete padPouring The Concrete Floor

Pouring the concrete. 12' x12' x 6" took almost 3 cubic yards @ about $100 per yard.

Getting the walls framed up on this 12x16 barn shedGetting The Walls Up
Having helpers is a big plus!Having Helpers Makes This Job Easier!
Building the 12x16 trussesBuilding The Gambrel Style Trusses

While waiting for the concrete to cure and the rain to stop, we used the carport to build the trusses (using the roof sheathing to make a temporary jig) and the walls. If I remember correctly, I made the braces larger because it would utilize the entire sheet of plywood with very little leftovers.

Trusses going into place on this 12x16 barn shedCarefully Setting The Trusses Into Place

I started running into trouble working on the top 1/2 when my mother suggested that I put the floors in the loft. DOH!! Why didn't I think of that? There's an advantage of splitting the loft to 4' front / 4' rear. You now have a work platform with a gap you can step over. Alright!! Back in business. Now about those heavy 5/8" roofing sheets.

Extra framing for the 12x16 barn shed end trussesWorking On The Gable End Truss
Pulling the roof sheeting up on the 12x16 barn shedSheeting The Barn Shed Roof

Using two of the tie downs from the motorcycle, I threw them over the 2x4's then took the plywood and set it into the hooks, climb into the loft and pulled them up. After they are halfway past the 2x4 they fall flat. keep pulling until the panel is past the two screws I set in the trusses to stop the panel from sliding back down. Now I can slide it into position. YEA!!

Nice big lofts in the 12x16 barn shedNice View of The Loft Framing
Sometimes you just have to figure out a way to do thins alone on the 12x16 barn shedWhen You Don't Have A Helper...Improvise!
Drip edge is essential for all shed buildingHaving Drip Edge Is a Must!

Eave drip edge, done. I never measure if I don't have to. In this case, I mounted the drip edge, cut a slot on the front of the trim at the mitre joint and bend it down while tucking the cut of the lower half up under the top half.

Nice job done on this 12x16 barn shed by Craig and his son.Awesome Job On This 12x16 Barn Shed!

This particular shed, the 12x16 Barn Shed, is one of my most popular plans.  It's easy to build, provides lots of storage, and can be used for just about any purpose.   Adding additional shed doors, and windows is very easy.

Learn more about this 12x16 barn shed.

More barn style shed plans.

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