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Easy Diy Shed Building Plans

Building the Shed Door

Hello John,

I am almost done with my 10x12 Gable Shed and ready to build the door. I'm a little confused on what materials to use here. My plans show on page 14 to use 1x6 cedar trim above the door and the 1x4 cedar trim on the front and sides of the door and the back of the door is that 2x4's I am using there?

In your building guide/building shed doors on shedking.net it shows a 2x6 above the door and 2x4's along the sides and the door is made of 2x4's? I dont have to trim the door opening out do I?

I'm just a little confused what to do here. I bought the LP 1x4 trim and planning on using that. Also, I am not using the panel leftover when I cut the door out. I am going with tounge and groove pine boards and installing transom windows in both doors. It's going to look good when I finish it with paint.

Thanks for your help and any advice on building the doors.

Don Meyer

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Aug 04, 2023
Shed door building instructions
by: John

Hi Don,

I am sorry about that. What you are seeing in the building guide is just the door panel with 2x4's attached to the outside of the panel. The instructions that are with the plans are different as you have found out but those are what you want to go with. So you would have your cut out door panel, then you would use the cedar trim on the outside of the panel, and 2x4's on the inside of the panel. This is the updated instructions I have so I need to update the building guide to reflect this. Either way you build is fine. The cedar and 2x4 method is much more rigid and solid door. This should work with your tongue and groove panels too.

Thank you for your purchase and if you have any more questions please send me an email to john@shedking.net

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